Events & Alumni Publications

Published 2022

Atlıhan Onat Karacalı

IAED Graduate 2009

Spring 2022-2023
Sustainability Science Center of Beştepe College

Design of six green workshop buildings in the scope of IAED 342-Sustainable course. Buildings include an intelligent greenhouse; a semi-closed amphitheater for seminar building; a sustainable hobby workshop building; a sustainable animal hotel; green technology workshop building and a sustainable cafe shop. Best projects in terms of sustainable design will be selected to be constructed on the site.

May 2022

Green Cities 2022:

Eskişehir & Ankara, Türkiye

April 2022

Passive House


by Tuğba Salman Gürcan, IAED Graduate 2008

Exhibition: 28.03.2022 – 11.04.2022

Kaybolan Mimari Bellek: Ankara

by Kemal Mükremin Barut


Competition: March 2021
Exhibition: January 2022

Competition participants designed a logo for the exhibition “Once upon a time in Çankaya” – collective memories of Ankara citizens organized by the Çankaya City Council.

The winning logo designed by Efdal Mert Duman will be used by the Çankaya City Council on the exhibition website, for posters, handouts, and during other related events.


Distinguished Works Exhibition 2020

Distinguished Works Exhibition 2019

Opening: 02.04.2019, Tuesday, Zülfü Livaneli Kültür Merkezi, 18:00


Youth Academy 2018

June 23, 2018, 14:00-16:00

Benim Adım İç Mekan: Yarat Beni-Kullan Beni-Yaşa Beni”

İç Mimarlık ve Çevre Tasarımı Bölümü, öğretim görevlileri Yrd. Doç. Dr. Semiha Yılmazer, Dipl. Ing.Tijen Sonkan Türkkan ve Y. Mim. Şule Aybar tarafından organize edildi. Yüksek lisans öğrencilerimiz Bengisu Güral, Ela Fasllija, Samah Obeid, Esra Kürkçü, Cemre Orhan ve misafir olarak Simin Türkkan çalışmalarımıza katıldı. Bu sene üç ayrı sınıf düzenlendi ve toplam 75 öğrenci ile tanıtım çalışması yapıldı.

Department Exhibition: Distinguished Student Works

February 26, 2018 – March 5, 2018
FADA Exhibition Hall, 12:30

Construction & Materials

Construction & Material Student Work

Student groups produced both a full size model of their choice of a cat, dog kennel or a bird cage/feeder, and a poster to present construction drawings and explanations of the materials through the end of the Fall semester 2017-2018. While they experienced the hands on project, they also experienced the feeling of reaching to needy animals. They donated their projects to local ‘Animal Shelter’ in Ankara, through the help of the students who work at Society Social Responsibility Projects of ID Bilkent University, (TDP) voluntarily.

Dr. Carlo Branzaglia  Conference & Workshop

February 28, 2018- March 01, 2018

Consistently with the conference given by Carlo Branzaglia on Feb. 28th, the workshop (six hours) dealt with the task of monitoring and suggesting innovative ways of communicating the idea of sustainability, in terms of its different aspects: social, environmental, economical ones.